Change the way you healthcare
States we currently serve
States we currently serve

Most asked questions
Most asked questions
About AstroDoc
Is this health insurance?
Does AstroDoc accept health insurance?
How does AstroDoc approach medical care?
Why haven’t I heard about AstroDoc before?
Why is AstroDoc so affordable?
Can AstroDoc treat my kids?
What conditions can AstroDoc treat?
What states is AstroDoc in?
Our Doctors
Who are the doctors at AstroDoc?
What are primary care doctors?
How do I find the right doctors for me?
Medications, Labs, & Referrals
How do I get refills for my prescriptions?
Can I get refills for pain or ADD medications?
How is AstroDoc able to offer prescriptions at lower cost?
How do I order lab tests and get my results?
Is the liquid physical included in the membership fees?
What happens if I need to see a specialist?
Memberships & Account Management
How do I sign up?
How can I add family members to my account?
How can I cancel my membership?
About AstroDoc
Is this health insurance?
Does AstroDoc accept health insurance?
How does AstroDoc approach medical care?
Why haven’t I heard about AstroDoc before?
Why is AstroDoc so affordable?
Can AstroDoc treat my kids?
What conditions can AstroDoc treat?
What states is AstroDoc in?
Our Doctors
Who are the doctors at AstroDoc?
What are primary care doctors?
How do I find the right doctors for me?
Medications, Labs, & Referrals
How do I get refills for my prescriptions?
Can I get refills for pain or ADD medications?
How is AstroDoc able to offer prescriptions at lower cost?
How do I order lab tests and get my results?
Is the liquid physical included in the membership fees?
What happens if I need to see a specialist?
Memberships & Account Management
How do I sign up?
How can I add family members to my account?
How can I cancel my membership?
About AstroDoc
Is this health insurance?
Does AstroDoc accept health insurance?
How does AstroDoc approach medical care?
Why haven’t I heard about AstroDoc before?
Why is AstroDoc so affordable?
Can AstroDoc treat my kids?
What conditions can AstroDoc treat?
What states is AstroDoc in?
Our Doctors
Who are the doctors at AstroDoc?
What are primary care doctors?
How do I find the right doctors for me?
Medications, Labs, & Referrals
How do I get refills for my prescriptions?
Can I get refills for pain or ADD medications?
How is AstroDoc able to offer prescriptions at lower cost?
How do I order lab tests and get my results?
Is the liquid physical included in the membership fees?
What happens if I need to see a specialist?
Memberships & Account Management
How do I sign up?
How can I add family members to my account?
How can I cancel my membership?

Care, anywhere

Care, anywhere